Tyft IVS

CVR nummer 36721774
Selskabsstatus Opløst efter Konkurs
Selskabsform Iværksætterselskab
Navn Tyft IVS
Adresse Wesselsgade 4
2200 København N
Kort Se på Google Maps
Telefon 50399011
Stiftelsesdato 15-04-2015
Stiftere Sven Benjamin Modrow, Todd Robert Hutcherson og Christian Paul Kerschbaum
Seneste vedtægtsændringsdato 15-04-2015
Regnskabsår 01-01 til 31-12
Selskabskapital kr. 7.000,00
Revision Ingen aktiv revisor
Tegningsregler Virksomheden tegnes af en likvidator.
Formål The purpose of the company is to enable individuals to provide gifts in form of vouchers or products to others. It's an online platform where we present our corporate partners and the customers can chose and order their vouchers. We intend to partner with cafes, restaurants and bars in Copenhagen. In general, we want to make the process easier of giving small gifts to show appreciation. Our business model is that we charge our corporate partners a fee for the service we provide: presenting them on our platform, optimizing the order process and giving them a marketing channel. An additional income opportunity is to offer advertisement.

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