Capidea Kapital III K/S Annual report 2023
Store Kongensgade 118, 1. th
1264 København K
CVR No. 39184168
The Annual General Meeting adopted the annual
report on 25.04.2024
Gert Eg
Chairman of the General Meeting
Capidea Kapital III K/S | Contents 1
Fund details 2
Statement by the Management on the annual report 3
Management commentary 4
Independent auditor's report 8
Statement of comprehensive income 11
Statement of financial position at 31.12.2023 12
Statement of changes in net assets attributable to the Limited Partners
Statement of cash flows for 2023 15
Table of notes 16
Notes to the financial statements 17
Capidea Kapital III K/S | Fund details 2
Fund details
Capidea Kapital III K/S
Store Kongensgade 118, 1. th
1264 benhavn K
Business Registration No.: 39184168
Registered office: København
Financial period: - 01.01.2023 31.12.2023
General Partner
Capidea Komplementar III ApS
Fund Manager
Capidea Management ApS
Registered Manager of Alternative Investment Funds (Danish FTID number: 23135)
Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Weidekampsgade 6
2300 Copenhagen S
Capidea Kapital III K/S | Statement by the Management on the annual report 3
Statement by the Management on the
annual report
The executive board has today considered and approved the annual report of (the Fund)
for the financial period - .
The annual report is presented in accordance with the IFRS Accounting Standards as adopted by the EU and
additional disclosure requirements of the Danish Financial Statements Act.
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the Fund’s financial position at
and of the results of its operations and the cash flows for the financial period - .
We believe that the management commentary contains a fair review of the affairs and conditions referred to
Capidea Kapital III K/S
01.01.2023 31.12.2023
01.01.2023 31.12.2023
We recommend the annual report for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.
Copenhagen, 06.02.2024
On behalf of Capidea Komplementar III ApS
Erik Balleby Jensen Ulrik Nicolai Jungersen
Martin Jørgensen
Capidea Kapital III K/S | Management commentary 4
Management commentary
Financial highlights
Key figures
Operating profit/(loss) (EBIT) (31,719) 96,914 106,060 47,712 1